
Visualising Frequency through Vibrational Patterns

Welcome to the Cymatics~101, where frequency meets visual manifestation. Vibrations at different frequencies unveil the hidden geometry of sound, and offer an entry point into exploring the dynamics of the universal laws of nature. 

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The Principle of Vibration

According to the principle of vibration, everything in the universe is always in motion and vibration, regardless of size. All things contain the energy known as the Universal Life Force, which handles existence, movement, and change.

In Hinduism and Taoism, the Principle of Vibration aligns with the concepts of Prana and Qi, both describing a dynamic energy flowing through the universe. Anicca, a concept in Buddhism, accepts the constant change and movement in all aspects of existence. The Culdian teachings of early Celtic Christianity refer to the life force as Gwinin.

Cymatics, a term coined by Hans Jenny, visually shows the effects of frequency and vibration on shaping the physical world by revealing intricate geometric patterns.

Modern self-help teachings plot the path to help students understand the principles of matching your vibrational frequency with desired outcomes, as seen in “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and in Dr. Joe Dispenza’s works. Such teachings advocate for intentional positive thoughts and emotions to elevate one’s vibrational state, attracting similar vibrations as experiences or opportunities – a practical application of “like attracts like.”

To apply the Principle of Vibration in everyday life, we can start by becoming more mindful of the vibrational quality of our thoughts, words, and feelings.